The American Legion Buckeye Boys State Philosophy

  • To conduct a quality program which reflects the high standards of The Ohio American Legion and American Legion Buckeye Boys State.
  • To be current in all levels of program structure and educated on all aspects which American Legion Buckeye Boys State teaches.
  • At all times, each member of the American Legion Buckeye Boys State Staff will conduct ourselves in a professional and courteous manner.
  • To treat each young man attending with respect and as a young adult.
  • To make American Legion Buckeye Boys State a positive learning experience which will help each young man grow as a person and be better educated as a citizen of Ohio.
  • To continue to strive in all ways possible to maintain American Legion Buckeye Boys State as the leading Boys State program in the nation.

Mission Statement

The mission of American Legion Buckeye Boys State is to provide an educational and leadership program that exposes young men to the rights and privileges, the duties and responsibilities, and the love for God and Country necessary to being self-governing citizens.

Vision Statement

Through a practical, objective nonpartisan approach, participants in the American Legion Buckeye Boys State program are exposed to fundamental democratic principles in local, county and state elections and governmental functions which prepare them for leadership roles as patriotic American citizens.